Sunday, July 22, 2007

Mission Accomplished! (But no spoilers)

I succeed in reading all of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" in a single weekend. I will definitely need to go back and reread at a slower pace to take it all in. But I enjoyed the book and some things definitely didn't play out like I expected but it was good and worth the read. (But if you have any invested in Harry how are you not going to read, regardless of my opinion?)

Friday night at the bookstore was fun - I have never been so excited and/or nervous about buying and reading a book before and I doubt I will ever be again. Gretchen I got outside the Barnes and Noble with our books and read the Table of Contents together, we stood there and excitably named chapter numbers that we thought sounded interesting or exciting or intriguing.

The one funny moment of my reading occurred when I was reading a particularly tense scene yesterday afternoon while sitting in my over sized chair next the front window when the mailman walked by. This blocked all the light from the window and scared me to death, I nearly fell out of the chair.

To not give anything away to those who have not finished, or even started yet, that is all I will say.

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