Sunday, December 9, 2007


Growing up I always wanted Lego's but never managed to receive them so in my early adult life I went through a Lego phase where I would buy myself Lego's, specifically Star Wars Lego's. This weekend I was at the Curves I workout at and they had gift tags with a child's gender, age and something they wanted. I happened to find a 12 year-old girl that wanted Lego's. As girl who grew up wanting Lego's but never received them I was all over that.

Later in the day I found myself in the vicinity of a Lego's store and seeing how I had just agreed to buy some Lego's I went in. Maybe this was foolish, but I didn't really expect to want to buy any for myself. I did find a set of Star Wars Lego's that I wouldn't mind adding to my collection but I didn't seriously consider buying. Then after I purchased my gift on the way out a noticed an Eiffel Tower set, I am not sure how I didn't notice it before because they had one set up and it was really quite tall. I didn't like Paris nor did I really enjoy being on the Eiffel Tower (the whole fear of heights got in the way) but for some reason I found myself looking for the price. I am not really sure why there is no way that the set was in a range where I would actually pay for it.

But then one the way out I thought to myself, "This is why I need to have boys." My next thought was along the lines of terror of having a girl that actually liked girly things because I don't think I would have any idea of what to do with that. But for now, once my nephews are a little older I can buy them fun Lego sets. And now I am pondering taking apart one of my sets so that I can put it back together.


Thursday said...

I've always thought boys would be more fun, myself. Still, I don't think either of us are at risk for having girly-girls. I think it's genetically impossible. But even if you had daughters had girly traits waiting to manifest themselves, you WOULD be the one in charge of their early development, like what toys they got, what books they had read to them, etc.

Kerri said...

That is true, any daughter of mine wouldn't even know what the color pink is. So consider this a warning to all you who may want to buy pink clothes if I should ever happen to have a daughter - you going to have to come over and put them on her becuase I won't.

Sabrina said...

Since we are getting ready to move... again... I am so tired of moving! But I digress- I found all of my Star Wars lego sets from college.

As for the pink and the obviously girly things- you can teach but there is still their nature in play too. I for one have come to like pink- not love- but like it. I promise though I will buy purple for your little girls!

Thursday said...

You could just adopt all boys. Save on physical effort and eliminate the risk of girls. :)

Kerri said...

I have come to be okay with the darker/redder colors of pink but not the true pink and I am disgusted by the the new trend that you can get athletic jerseys (for example a Detroit Red Wings jersey) in pink.

I am one of those women that would like to experience being pregant, I don't know why but I do. And my project manager at work and his wife are the in process of adopting and I think it would be easier and faster to just have one of my own.