Tuesday, January 1, 2008

My Christmas Vacation

My company closes the office between Christmas and New Year's so as an adult I still have returned to a life of having a Christmas vacation. So this year for Christmas my brother and his family and I traveled to my parents home is Sarasota, Florida where we had a wonderful week. While a lot of the country, including Denver, experienced the dream of a white Christmas, I thrilled to say that it was in the high 70's on Christmas in Sarasota. In fact we went for a boat ride that included a nap.

The week included lots of reading, sleep, walks on the beach and even a swim in the Gulf of Mexico.

On Sunday I returned to the snow and cold of Denver and tomorrow I return to work. In some ways I am ready to return to the routine of everyday life but I am sad that it is ending. But I am grateful that I had the week off without having to take vacation time.

1 comment:

Thursday said...

No vacation time needed...that is cool....