Monday, January 21, 2008

Well, that makes it easier

This morning I came into work to find out that my co-worker that drives me crazy quit over the weekend. I didn't really expect him to quit; based on recent behavior I thought the company may let him go but I didn't think he was going to quit. I am trying to not be too excited about this and I refrained from a doing a jig when my project manager told me this morning but I am really quite happy about it. One of my co-workers even remarked that he thought I looked more relaxed despite all the work that I have to get done.

I thought God had a lesson there for me to work through, and maybe he did, it just didn't last as long as I expected.


Thursday said...

Maybe the important thing was wanting to change your attitude. Not that wanting to change your attitude was what made him quit...exactly...but who knows?

I had a situation a few months ago where I was re-scheduling a book club meeting so I could go to a different meeting that I did NOT want to attend, but that I felt I SHOULD attend...and then the second meeting was changed to a date on which I had uncancellable-type plans (driving back from PA). I felt like that was sort of a very small scale ram in the thicket moment...where the willingness to follow through was the important thing, and then the actual outcome reminded me of the grace of God....

I hope that makes some kind of sense.

Kerri said...

That makes sense to me. People keep saying that it is an answer to prayer even though it wasn't what I was praying for. But have already found new things that I need to work on, specifically at work. So it's not clear sailing.